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[UE5] Saguaro Gas Station

This is a collaborative project I made with my colleague Alex Savoie-Laflamme for my final semester in university. The goal of our project was to create a route 66-inspired desert environment based on the American southwest, with a mid-century aesthetic. I was responsible for creating the gas station building, the gas pump, the AC unit as well the foliage in the scene. The level art, lighting and post-process was made collaboratively with my teammate. My main goal in this project was to further familiarize myself with environment creation by learning how to create foliage in SpeedTree and by trying techniques such as trim sheet creation, vertex painting, etc. to create buildings.

Credit to Alex Savoie-Laflamme for creating the truck, vending machine, jerrycan, road sign, power poles, road and cliffs/rocks in the scene.
The following assets were taken from the Quixel library: a grass blade atlas, terrain materials, road decals and rock textures for the cliffs.

Old gas pump and AC unit I modelled to accompany the station. Credit to Alex Savoie-Laflamme for designing the Clamco logo.

Old gas pump and AC unit I modelled to accompany the station. Credit to Alex Savoie-Laflamme for designing the Clamco logo.

The gas station. For its design, I was inspired by the long, triangular ("gull wing") canopies common in gas stations built in the 50s and 60s. Extra subdivisions were added for vertex painting.

The gas station. For its design, I was inspired by the long, triangular ("gull wing") canopies common in gas stations built in the 50s and 60s. Extra subdivisions were added for vertex painting.

The foliage I made using SpeedTree - Joshua trees, prickly pear (Opuntia) cacti and wild grass. Designer used for the tree bark, Painter for general texturing and Photoshop for atlas creation, as well as Zbrush to sculpt the cacti's pads and fruit.

The foliage I made using SpeedTree - Joshua trees, prickly pear (Opuntia) cacti and wild grass. Designer used for the tree bark, Painter for general texturing and Photoshop for atlas creation, as well as Zbrush to sculpt the cacti's pads and fruit.

Trim sheet and tileables I made for my gas station, using Zbrush, Painter and Designer. I made two versions of the trim, one dirtier than the other, to add variation to the building's texture with vertex painting.

Trim sheet and tileables I made for my gas station, using Zbrush, Painter and Designer. I made two versions of the trim, one dirtier than the other, to add variation to the building's texture with vertex painting.